LWMU of Kastoria
LWMU of Kastoria
Local government organization served: Municipalities of Argos Orestiko, Kastorias, Nestorioy and Prespon
Opening hours: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri-Sa-Su (04:00-16: 00)
Coordinates: ΕΓΣΑ87: Χ: 268.186, Υ: 4.484.618
Geographic coordinates: (WGS84): λ: 21ο 49' 7.05", φ: 40Ο 27' 15.44"ο 16' 0.69", φ: 40Ο 28' 57.10"
Geographical coordinates (WGS84 Decimal): λ: 21.266859207963, φ: 40.482528412333
Permit for approval of environmental conditions (ΑΔΑ): 6ΞΩΔΟΡ1Γ-ΜΞΔ
Installation Registration Number of digital waste registry: 4234-6