Asbestos Waste Storage Area

Asbestos Waste Storage Area

The Asbestos Waste Storage Area is located in a specially designed area of 12.35 acres on the northeast side of the existing landfill basin of cells C and D of the landfill. The waste to be stored concerns non-crumbly asbestos materials (EWC codes 17.06.01 *, 17.06.05 *) with a maximum amount of 15,000 tn, coming from the dismantling works of the old facilities of PPC SA in the region of Western Macedonia.

Asbestos waste entering storage is packed in special bags, suitable for transporting 5H4 asbestos-containing materials marked legibly and indelibly with the particulars set out in Annex 7 to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council (REACH Regulation). The waste will be stored by stacking at a height, while the packaged waste will be on pallets. Stored asbestos waste is covered (in addition to their inner packaging) with special thick geomembrane sheets and protective geotextile. The storage takes place for a maximum period of one year, until their final disposal for landfill in a properly licensed asbestos waste landfill.