Regional Waste Management Plan

The Regional Waste Management Plan (RWMP of Western Macedonia) was approved by Decision No. 286/2016 of the Regional Council of Western Macedonia. The validity of this decision was ratified by the Joint Ministerial Decision 61489.5303/19.12.2016 and published in the Government Gazette 4151/Β/22.12.2016. The revised RWMP incorporates the requirements of the Joint Ministerial Decision 52267/1.11.2016 for the approval of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of RWMP. Includes management plans for 12 streams (hazardous and non-hazardous) waste.

Approved RWMP

The Regional Waste Management Plan (RWMP of Western Macedonia) was approved by Decision No. 286/2016 (ΑΔΑ: ΩΖΘΝ7ΛΨ-ΘΓΤ) Decision of the Regional Council of Western Macedonia. The validity of this decision was ratified by the Joint Ministerial Decision 61489.5303/19.12.2016 and was published in the Government Gazette 4151/Β/22.12.2016 ΑΔΑ: ΨΣΠ34653Π8-Ν4Θ). The revised RWMP incorporates the requirements of Joint Ministerial Decision 52267/1.11.2016 (ΑΔΑ: Ω8ΑΒ4653Π8-ΑΑΠ) for the approval of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of PESDA.

The RWMP was prepared in order to review, supply and comply with the approved (and in force since 2009) Regional Planning for the Management of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste, with the requirements of the current legislation (Law 4042/2012, Directive 2008/98/EC) of the revised National Waste Management Plan (NWMP), approved by Joint Ministerial Decision 51373/4684/25-11-2015 (Government Gazette 2706/B) and entered into force with the act of the ministerial council 49/2015 (Government Gazette 174/A).

The new - revised RWMP is a comprehensive management plan for all waste generated in the Region, identifies the general directions for their management and indicates the appropriate measures that promote hierarchically and combined: a) prevention, b) reuse, c) recycling, d) other types of recovery, such as energy recovery and e) safe final landfilling at the level of Western Macedonia, according to no. 35, par. 1 of Law 4042/2012.

The under review RWMP includes management plans for 12 streams (hazardous and non-hazardous) waste:

  1. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), which includes mixed, recyclable, biowaste, Small Amount of Hazardous Waste (SAHW) and bulky MSW.
  2. Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP)
  3. Waste from Medical Centers (WMC)
  4. Industrial Waste (IW), hazardous and non-hazardous
  5. Livestock Waste (LW)
  6. Excavation, Construction and Demolition Waste (ECDW), non-hazardous and hazardous (asbestos)
  7. Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
  8. End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV)
  9. Waste Lubricating Oil (WLO)
  10. Waste Electrical Columns (portable) (WEC)
  11. Industrial Vehicle Accumulators (IVA)
  12. Waste Tyres (WT)

Also, RWMP incorporates the Local Waste Management Plans of the 13 Municipalities of the Region of Western Macedonia, which specify the objectives and determine the priorities of waste management at the level of Municipality, and which were approved by decisions of Municipal Councils.

Municipality Number of Internet post ΑΔΑ Decision Number (Board of Directors) Date
Amyntaio 7ΑΟΡΩΨΛ-Ξ7Μ 42/2016 29/2/2016
Voio 7ΜΗ2Ω97-Ω79 42/2016 1/3/2016
Grevena ΩΚ7ΝΩ9Γ-9ΥΓ 63/2016 29/2/2016
Deskati ΩΤΗ5Ω9Υ-ΞΒ4 45/2016 23/2/2016
Eordaia Ω00ΞΩΡ6-Ζ1Ω 22/2016 22/2/2016
Kastoria 7ΘΛΑΩΕΥ-ΕΕΑ 58/2016 2/3/2016
Kozani 60ΑΗΩΛΠ-Ξ1Υ 84/2016 2/3/2016
Nestorio 6ΙΙ9ΩΚ2-ΞΥΔ 39/2016 29/2/2016
Argos Orestiko ΩΡΞΗΩΞ7-9ΤΚ 49/2016 9/3/2016
Prespa 9ΓΤΜΩΞ8-Ε7Λ 26/2016 24/2/2016
Servia-Velvento ΩΔ68Ω11-2Β9 49/2016 1/3/2016*
Florina ΨΟΤ4ΩΗΙ-ΝΧΠ 50/2016 1/3/2016

After the division of the Municipality of Servia-Velvento, in the Municipality of Servia and in the Municipality of Velvento, new Local Waste Management Plans were prepared.

Municipality Number of Internet post ΑΔΑ Decision Number (Board of Directors) Date
Servia ΩΓΧΖ46ΜΓΗ5-ΧΘΒ 28/2020 9/3/2020
Velvento ΨΚ3546ΜΓΗΖ-9Η2 65/2020 14/6/2020


RWMP objectives

The strategic objectives of the new RWMP include the following:

  • Stabilization of waste production at the levels of 2011, with a decreasing trend.
  • Priority in the sorting of waste materials at source.
  • Completion of the necessary network in waste management infrastructure by 2020, with the addition of the new network of Green Points.
  • Minimize the total amount of recyclable waste disposed of for landfill.
  • Reinforcement of the separate collection of Recyclable materials.
  • Further utilization of secondary materials (compost, type A compost) by ensuring strict quality standards.
  • Energy recovery in a complementary role, when the margins of another type of recovery have been exhausted.
  • Systematic recording and monitoring of waste generation and management data.
  • Reform of a central mechanism for monitoring and controlling waste management.
  • Integration of communication of strategy for waste information and awareness.
  • Integration of the central national axis of waste management, which provides for the implementation of prevention - reuse programs, but also the economic development of the Local Government with own resources, from recycling, in direct cooperation with the citizens-recyclers.
  • Integration of local management plans by all the Municipalities of Western Macedonia region.

At the same time, based on the requirements of the approved SEIA (strategic environmental impact assessment) of the revised RWMP, it is required in each case to take place:

  • Assessment of the impact of PESDA projects and activities in environmental areas, such as biodiversity and landscape, air quality and climate change, soil, aquatic environment, socio-economic and cultural environment.
  • Check compliance with the requirements of the current environmental legislation and fundamental principles of sustainability (prevention, "the polluter pays", proximity, damage repair).
  • Liaison with other management plans (waste, water resources, biodiversity, spatial planning) and funding programs (FTA, local management)


The RMWP is prepared with the perspective of its implementation of the objectives of the current legislation, within the next 5 years (2016-2020), as 2020 is the year of establishment of the objectives of both Directive 2008/98/ EC and Law 4042/2012, as well as the new National Waste Management Plan (NWMP). These national targets include the recycling of the 4 basic material streams by 50% by weight (Law 4042) and by 65% by weight (NWMP), separation at source for biowaste by 10% by weight (Law 4042) and by 40% by weight (NWMP), diversion of biodegradable waste from landfills by 65% by weight (Law 4042, NWMP) and finally the landfilling <30% by weight.


Specifically for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), the objectives to be achieved at the Western Macedonia region level include:

  • Reduction of Biodegradable Waste leading to landfill at 35% of the amount in 1997, by 2020.
  • Biowaste Recovery with separation at source, 40% by weight by 2020, of which 3% by home composting or mechanical composting on site.
  • Preparation for reuse of Recyclable Materials at least for paper, plastic, glass and metal, 75% by weight by 2020 and with separation at source of 65% for the same materials.
  • Recycling of packaging materials by 80,2% by weight and sub-targets of 92% by weight for the paper, 70% by weight for the glass, 70% by weight for the metals, 70% by weight for the plastics and 80% by weight for the wood. And minimum sub-targets in 2020, 60% by weight for the paper, 60% by weight for the glass, 50% by weight for the metals, 22,5% by weight for the plastics and 15% by weight for wood.
  • WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) recovery, 85% by weight until 2019.
  • Separate collection and recovery of small quantity of hazardous waste.
  • Separate collection and utilization 75% by weight of edible oils.
  • Total recovery of MSW at a rate of > 70% by weight until 2020.
  • Safe final disposal of unusable MSW at a rate of <30% by weight until 2020.

Results of RWMP of Western Macedonia

According to article 227, par. 2 of Law 4555/2018 and the article 35, par. 2.b. of Law 4042/2012 (repealed by the article 247, par. 1 of Law 4555/2018):

“The solid waste management bodies have the exclusive responsibility for the drafting-elaboration or modification of RWMP of par. 2 of article 35 of Law 4042/2012. If only one solid waste management body operates, of article 225 of Law 4555/2018, within the boundaries of a region, it has the responsibility of preparing and implementing the Regional Waste Management Plan (RWMP) of that region, according to article 35 of Law 4042/2012. The statute of a solid waste management body in the form of a public limited company provides for the exclusive competence of the General Meeting, mandatory for decision making, for the responsibility of preparing, implementing, and monitoring the implementation of RWMP, according to par. 2 of article 35 of Law 4042/2012, if it is the only solid waste management body of the relevant region”.

DIADYMA as the competent body for the planning, implementation and monitoring of the RWMP in Western Macedonia, prepares on an annual basis a Progress Report of implementation of the RWMP, which submits competently to the competent Department of Environment & Spatial Planning of the Region of Western Macedonia, to the Waste Management Department and the General Secretariat for Waste Management Coordination of the Ministry of Environment & Energy.

The following is a summary of the accounting data and the monitoring indicators for the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSW) for the year 2019.

Presentation of ASA Management Results for the year 2019

Production of MSW per stream

Unloading mass losses

Stored in MBT 31.12.2018 Recovery of recycling items from municipal separation at source, Industrial and Commercial Packaging Waste, and MBT Recovery CLO from MBT Losses in the MBT

Remains of MBT, and RMSC in the landfill



- 0 0 0




555.900 0 15.720.500 30.795.210




0 15.052.540 0 0




0 5.904.816 0 0




0 427.500 0 0




0 2.292.482 0 0


Total for Region of Western Macedonia


555.900 23.677.338 15.720.500 30.795.210




0,54% 23,03% 15,29% 29,95% 31,18%
0,02% 0,54%


