LWMU of Amyntaio

LWMU of Amyntaio

Local government organization served: Municipality of Amyntaio

Opening hours: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri (09: 00-17: 00)

Coordinates: ΕΓΣΑ87: Χ: 301.020, Υ: 4.503.158

Geographical coordinates (WGS84): λ: 21ο 38' 53.00", φ: 40Ο 39' 28.52"

Geographical coordinates (WGS84 Decimal): λ: 21.648055433506, φ: 40.657921323395

Permit for approval of environmental conditions (ΑΔΑ): ΨΗ4Δ7ΛΨ-Ι7Ω

Installation Registration Number of digital waste registry: 4234-10