Raising the bio-based industrial feedstock capacity of Marginal Lands


Raising the bio-based industrial feedstock capacity of Marginal Lands



HORIZON 2020 - Project ID: 101082089



Project Partners:

1. (Coo) – ATB (Leibniz Institut fuer Agrartechnik und
Biooekonomie E V)
2. RISE (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB)
3. ZALF (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape
4. CLUBE (Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environ. of WM) AE. 4.1 UTh (University of Thessaly)
5. ACC (ATLANTIS Environment and Innovation
6. INT3 (Inter 3 institute for Resource Management)
7. IFAU (IFAU Institute for Food Studies & Agro
Industrial Development )
8. G!E (Greenovate ! Europe EEIG) AE. 8.1. REV (Revolve Water asbl)
9. CICY (Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y
Tecnológicas de Extremadura)
10. PROC (RISE Processum)
11. PILZE (Pilze-nagy kereskedelmi es szolgaltato KFT)
12. SU (Stellenbosch University)
13. UBA (University of Buenos Aires)
14. UNSAM (Universidad de General San Martin)
15. ZAB (Zabala Innovation Consulting)
16. MSG (Modular System Global)
17. COP (S.C. sociedad cooperativa del alagón copal)
18. AMB (Ambienta ingeniería y servicios agrarios y
forestales S.L.U.)
19. CTAEX (Asociacion empresarial centro tecnologico
nacional agroalimentario extremadura)
20. DIDY (Waste Management of Western Macedonia
21. AW (Alfa Wood group AEBE)
22.EEXP (Ernst Express)
23. HS (Hushållningssällskapet Norrbotten Västerbotten )
24. SC (Secalflor GmbH)
25. INM (Innomine digital innovation hub nonprofit KFT)
26. BZN (Bay zoltan alkalmazott kutatasi kozhasznu
nonprofit KFT)
27. KUJ (Kujáni Szaktanácsadó és Termelő Korlátolt
Felelősségű Társaság)


Start: 01/10/2022

End: 30/09/2026


At the present, 60-70% of all soils in Europe are in unhealthy conditions, mainly because of poor land management practices, pollution of soils, intensive agriculture, and the constant effects of climate change. This situation is further aggravated given that 25% of land is at a high or very high risk of suffering desertification in most parts of Europe.
MarginUp! proposes a strategy to secure use and return profitability on marginal lands. Its main objective is to introduce climateresilient and biodiversity-friendly non-food crops for sustainable industrial feedstock in marginalised and low-productivity lands. The project will focus on producing biomass to be used as raw material for the production of bioproducts and biofuels, which in turn, will create a sustainable and circular value chain, increasing the farming system resilience in rural areas. To further enhance the biodiversity beneficial impact, MarginUp! is focusing on understanding which marginal lands are suitable for low ILUC biomass production.
MarginUp! is directly contributing to European policies such as the European Green Deal, the Circular Economy action plan and the Bioeconomy and Biodiversity strategies.

DIADYMA’s role:

In MarginUp!, there will be 5 different regions across Europe:
- Mediterranean Lands (Spain)
- Mine Lands (Greece)
- Boreal Lands (Sweden)
- Wetlands (Germany)
- Central Europe (Hungary)
where the knowledge gathered will be applied.
DIADYMA is the landowner of the testing area in Western Macedonia for MarginUp!. The company will undertake the activities of pilot plantation and all harvesting related activities. Raw material will be obtained and stored at DIADYMA's facilities until transferred to other partners for the final utilisation. Moreover, to ensure the success of the project, MarginUp! will have a replication network to address the needs and requirements of relevant stakeholders, including, policymakers, land managers, farmers, the bio-based industry, environmental authorities, the academia and the civil society. DIADYMA will particpate in these activities also.



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