Countryside and Landscape: Opportunities from Reneweable Energies

Countryside and Landscape: Opportunities from Reneweable Energies






Project Partners:

1. Provincia di Rieti (Italy)
2. Mancomunidad Alto Jarama-Atazar (Spain)
3. Waste Management of Western Macedonia SA (Greece)
4. Provincia Regionale di Ragusa (Italy)
5. Comune di Novi Ligure (Italy)


Start: 01/11/2006

End: 30/10/2007


The program concerns the restoration and further utilization of the 207 landfills of Western Macedonia, the operation of which was stopped at the beginning of the regional IACS (Integrated Waste Management System). Specifically, the COLORE program will include the following phases:
1. Restoration process: Territorial management at the regional level. Given the large number of areas to be rehabilitated (207 landfills), the coordination and management of restoration work, as well as monitoring their funding, is a highly complex process to be systematized under the COLORE program through a dynamic base. data (ArcGIS).
2. The risk assessment process. The 207 landfills will be screened for risk assessment through the data included in the database: volume and type of waste, duration of landfill operation, distances from aquifer, residential areas, etc. A comparative analysis of the results will be performed. priorities and immediate needs in the restoration of landfills in terms of their risk to the environment.
3. From recovery to recovery. Most of the areas that will be restored will be integrated into their natural environment, contributing to the immediate improvement of the landscape and the elimination of environmental threats. Through the program, in the process of assessing the risk of landfills, more spatial factors and developmental evaluation indicators will be added, related to the social and territorial context, such as: proximity to NATURA areas, proximity to traditional settlements, accessibility, accessibility, etc. for specific areas of former landfills. Through the evaluation of each case, possible desired opportunities for utilization will be highlighted, such as areas of environmental education, tourism and entertainment, etc.

DIADYMA’s role:

The programme helped DIADYMA to restore the 207 landfills of Western Macedonia, the operation of which was stopped at the beginning of the regional Integrated Waste Management System.




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