Waste Management Options for Greenhouse Gases Emissions Control
LIFE+ 2009
Project Partners:
1. Environmental Planning, Engineering and Management SA (Greece)
2. Waste Management of Western Macedonia SA (Greece)
3. Waste Management Authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace SA (Greece)
4. Trans-Municipal Enterprise of Solid Waste Management (Greece)
Start: 01/10/2010
End: 30/09/2013
The main objectives of the program are:
-Development of appropriate tools that will allow, to Solid Waste Management Bodies and other stakeholders, the substantial reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions resulting from their Solid Waste Management activities
- Development of appropriate evaluation, monitoring, control, and reporting procedures related to different waste management options and corresponding reductions in GHG emissions
-Evaluation of the possibilities and opportunities of European policy (waste prevention and recycling, energy policy, etc.) and legislation (Waste Framework Directive), to reduce GHG emissions using alternative waste management practices
- Awareness raising, education and dissemination of information on the different options of the EMS and tackling climate change
- Reduction of GHG emissions at local (Eastern Macedonia / Thrace, Western Macedonia, and Chania) and sectoral (waste management) level.
DIADYMA’s role:
DIADYMA developed the Local Action Plan, and contributed to the design and the development of a decision software tool for reducing the GHG emmissions, based on the technlogy and the waste management systems of the region.
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